#### Outlier analysis of sea lamprey RAPTURE data using OutFLANK ####
### Load packages and data
### Convert files from VCF to 0,1,2,9 format
dat <- genotypeToSnpMatrix(allLoci.vcf, uncertain=FALSE)
dat1 <- as.data.frame(dat$genotypes@.Data)
write.csv(dat1, "./tmp/data1temp.csv")
dat1 <- read.csv("./tmp/data1temp.csv") ## Writing then re-reading the csv converts from raw --> int
## Convert from VCF allele representation to the count of reference alleles (9 = no data)
dat1[dat1 == 0] <- 9
dat1[dat1 == 1] <- 0
dat1[dat1 == 2] <- 1
dat1[dat1 == 3] <- 2
## Read in age-specific population names
dat1$pop <- indPops$Pop ## Assign populations to each individual, stored within genind object
##### Build input files ######
genotype <- dat1[, 2:(ncol(dat1)-1)]
ind <- paste("pop", dat1$pop) # vector with the name of population
locinames <- as.character(colnames(genotype)) # vector of name of loci (actually just index)
FstDataFrame1 <- MakeDiploidFSTMat(genotype, locinames, ind)
##### Perform test #####
out_trim <- OutFLANK(FstDataFrame1, NumberOfSamples=140, qthreshold = 0.1, Hmin = 0.1)
P1 <- pOutlierFinderChiSqNoCorr(FstDataFrame1, Fstbar = out_trim$FSTNoCorrbar,
dfInferred = out_trim$dfInferred, qthreshold = 0.1, Hmin=0.1)
## Organize dataframe
substrRight <- function(x, n){
substr(x, nchar(x)-n+1, nchar(x))
P1$Index <- as.integer(rownames(P1))
P1$label <- substr(P1$LocusName, 1, 100) # The names of loci
P1$label <- substr(P1$label, 1, nchar(P1$label)-4)
P1$transformed.p <- -log(P1$pvalues)
P1$scaffold <- as.integer(substr(P1$LocusName, 7, 10)) # The names of scaffolds
P1$scaffold[P1$scaffold > 44] <- 9999
P1$scaffold <- factor(P1$scaffold)
## Drop unneeded columns
drops <- c("LocusName","He", "T1", "T2", "T1NoCorr", "T2NoCorr", "meanAlleleFreq", "pvalues",
"pvaluesRightTail", "qvalues", "OutlierFlag")
plotting.df <- P1[ , !(names(P1) %in% drops)]
axis.df <- plotting.df %>% group_by(scaffold) %>%
summarize(center = mean(Index)) %>%
mutate(label = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", " ", "12", " ", "14", " ",
"16", " ", "18", " ", "20", " ", "22", " ", "24", " ", "26", " ", "28", " ",
"30", " ", " ", " ", " ", "35", " ", " ", " ", " ", "40", " ", " ",
" ", " ", ">44"))
### Create Manhattan plot
ggplot(P1, aes(Index, transformed.p, label = label)) +
geom_point(aes(color = P1$scaffold)) +
ylab(expression(-log[10](p))) +
scale_colour_manual(values = rep(c("gray80", "gray60"), 48), aesthetics = "color") +
data = subset(P1, OutlierFlag == "TRUE")
) +
geom_point(data = P1[P1$OutlierFlag == "TRUE", ], color = "red", shape = 18) +
scale_x_continuous(label = axis.df$label, breaks= axis.df$center, name = "Scaffold") +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0) ) + # remove space between plot area and x axis
theme_classic(base_size = 18) +
theme(legend.position="none") +
### "OF" flags homogeneous data as outliers, therefore, we do not depend on the T or F flag
### Calculated P values are then transformed using qvalue
qval <- qvalue(P1$pvaluesRightTail)$qvalues
alpha <- 0.1
outliers <- which(qval<alpha)
length(outliers) # Number of outlier loci
## Find outlier loci names, rather than numbers
outliers.num <- as.numeric(outliers)
outlierLoci <- P1[outliers.num,]$label
outlierLoci.df <- as.data.frame(outlierLoci)
#write.csv(outlierLoci, "outlierLoci.csv")
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